Before our son was born, we stocked up on the eco-friendly diapers and organic crib sheets and all the baby gear any parent had ever raved about in an Amazon review. We thought we were prepared for anything. One teensy little thing we weren’t prepared for? Taming those crazy, static-y, cowlick-y baby hairs! When we tried to find a baby-safe product that could help… well, things got messy.
Baby lotion made his hair oily. Baby hair gels were too stiff for a casual, everyday look (unless we wanted that everyday look to be a mohawk or combover). And every product we looked at—even those deemed “gentle”—had icky chemicals lurking in the ingredient lists.
We couldn’t believe it was so darn hard to find a trustworthy, baby-safe hair product that worked for everyday use. So we set out to fix that!
Today, we’re excited to offer parents like you a baby hair product you can trust. Our light-hold hair paste boasts a fully-transparent ingredient list that meets the world’s highest safety standards and tames toddler hair into an adorable ‘do in seconds.
And we can’t wait to see how you use it! As you share those aww-worthy photos of your littles online, don’t forget to tag us @laneandcoshop.
Welcome to the Lane & Co family—we’re so glad you’re here.
From our family to yours,