Not all heads of hair are created equally. If you have a child with a curly top, you know exactly what we mean. We love their curls, but they can go from Shirley Temple to angry bird’s nest real quick. Keeping it healthy and well-maintained can require a bit of trial and error, but it is possible! Here are five tips to help you care for your own curly-haired cutie:
Raising our little ones and protecting their well-being includes taking care of their hair. It can be challenging, especially when you’re a newbie mom or dad. All we want for our babies are the safest solutions, and we think you’re gonna love the best vegan hair products for babies! Jump To: Vegan Baby Shampoos Flaky Scalp Remedies African American Babies Vegan Baby Hair Gels Newborn Hair Loss Vitamins Washing Your Baby’s Hair Whether bold or already growing an Amazon forest on their head, choosing the best hair products for babies is essential. And it starts with shampooing your baby, a necessary step even if they do not have any baby hair! While shopping a shampoo for your baby, the important...