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5 Tips To Help Care For Kids With Curly Locks

Not all heads of hair are created equally. If you have a child with a curly top, you know exactly what we mean. We love their curls, but they can go from Shirley Temple to angry bird’s nest real quick. Keeping it healthy and well-maintained can require a bit of trial and error, but it is possible! Here are five tips to help you care for your own curly-haired cutie:

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Best Organic and Natural Hair Care Products for Babies and Toddlers

Trusted and recommended by moms.  By Candy Kirby. Parents’ jobs are hard enough. With the million other things we’re juggling, we shouldn’t have to work through confusing labels just to find hair products we can trust to tame baby’s static-y crib hair or wash their oatmeal-encrusted locks. That’s why we’ve done the homework for you, tracking down these Earth-friendly shampoos, conditioners and styling aides will keep your child’s hair looking and feeling great  — without the worry of harsh chemicals and additives. Lane & Co Hairstyling Paste for Babies and Toddlers Created by new parents in search of a safe, effective product for their baby’s flyaways, Lane & Co's hair paste is 100% plant-based, 100% gentle, and 100% perfect for messy hair. In fact,...

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